Friday, 31 May 2013

Metaphors on Aging SAQA Show

These three quilts were recently accepted to the Studio Art Quilt Association's "Metaphors on Aging" travelling show.  The exhibit debuts in Birmingham, England at Quilt Festival, August 8 - 11 and then moves to the International Quilt Convention, Emperor's Palace, Johannesburg in South Africa September 6-8.
Needless to say, I am very pleased.  We will be going to the UK this summer to visit them in person! They are made using natural plant dyes and rusty metals on woven wool.


Photo credits: Sylvia Galbraith

Crieff Retreat on Curves, Wedges and Wonky Log Cabins

Last weekend I spent a fabulous time with a select group of students who learned how to make irregular, organic and original shapes for their quilts.  We were blessed with perfect weather, the setting was beautiful and the food was great too.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Felting Variations Haliburton

I am just back from a gorgeous time at the Haliburton School of the Arts where I taught a felting class for a week.  We had a blast making wallhangings, clothing and 3D vessels.  Everyone was super fun and very creative.  I couldn't believe how full my van was and how much space all our stuff took up!  But we needed it all....

Never leave home without a comfy chair!